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2024 Foundation Transition Interviews

john henry primary school

Please book a time below for you and your child to meet with a member of staff at JHPS so that we can best set your child up for success in 2024. You do not need to bring anything to these meetings.

If you have any questions about the interview or need to reschedule, please call the school office (5908 9500).

You can make bookings on Thursdays during July, August, and September, from 09:00am to 3:00pm. Simply choose from the marked dates in the calendar below to see the available times. Once you’ve selected a time, provide the necessary information to confirm your booking. A confirmation email will be sent to you afterwards.
Select your date
Click arrow icons to see available dates *
Fill your Information
Student Name *
Parent Name *
JHPS Sibling(s)
Parent Telephone *
Parent Email *
Do you require an English translator? *
(please write home language here)

You must enrol your child first before booking a Transition Appointment, please come into the school office to enrol.

Have you enrolled
your child for